The other question you seem to be asking is “Will this ruin the ride?”
In order to answer that question, you need to understand something about Aeon® hollow rubber springs.
Aeon® springs are made of natural rubber, and designed to do three things:
1) Level the load
2) Stabilize the vehicle
3) Maintain good ride quality
The reason Aeon® springs provide all three benefits – all at the same time – has to do with one unique characteristic: Progressive spring rate.
Progressive Spring Rate
Aeon® springs deliver a progressive spring rate. In other words, the more weight you apply to the spring, the more it pushes back, keeping the vehicle level and stable.
It’s progressive (variable) spring rate allows the Aeon® to self-adjust to the load. If the load requires 1000 lbs of additional lift, that’s what you will get. So, you’re always going to get great ride quality with any load.
The Aeon® rubber springs can handle far more than your pickup truck is designed to carry.
For example, many of the Timbren SES kits for the rear of a one-tonne pickup truck are rated for 8600 lbs. And this is in addition to the spring rate of the existing suspension.
So here’s the thing…
Will you use up an additional 8600 lbs? Probably not. If you stay within the recommended GVW set by the manufacturer, there will always be plenty left over.
The variable spring rate ensures optimal performance and superb ride quality.
If you need assistance, contact customer service either by phone, 1-800-263-3113, or email: click here